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Impact Investing in Japan

Key Fields and Instruments

There are wide variety of sectors of targeted investment for impact investing, including education, medical & healthcare, and renewable energy. Instruments of investment are also extremely diverse.
This section explains sectors of targeted investment and instruments of impact investing based on the surveys conducted in 2019 by GIIN, a global network of impact investors, and GSG Impact JAPAN.

Sectors of Targeted Investment

The chart below compares the sectors of targeted investment of impact investing in the world and in Japan.
It shows that respondents in the global survey by GIIN allocated the most capital to food & agriculture, renewable energy, medical/healthcare, and education.

On the other hand, education, medical/healthcare, IT & advanced technologies, and women’s empowerment gathered the most capital in the Japanese survey. *Note 1, *Note 2

Sectors of targeted investment (Japanese survey/global GIIN survey)

(Source) The Current State of Impact Investing in Japan 2019

Note 1 Areas of women’s empowerment and climate action have not been selected as investment sectors in the global GIIN survey.

Note 2 Please note that the number of respondents (n) in the Japanese survey is as small as 12.

Instruments of Investment

In the global GIIN survey, majority of investors chose private equity as the instrument of investment, followed by private debt. On the other hand, in Japan, most investors chose private debt, public equity, and private equity as the instruments of investment.

Instruments of investment (Japanese survey/global GIIN survey)

(Source) The Current State of Impact Investing in Japan 2019

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